
Shadcn-vue components: https://www.shadcn-vue.com/docs/components


Some components have included animations on scroll, hover or click, such as featured image, icons in feature cards, numbers in stats, testimonials, etc.

If you want to disable animations globally, set VITE_ANIMATIONS in .env file to empty.

You can also pass animate property to each of those components to enable or disable animations per component. You can find more info in docs for each of those components.

Blurred backdrop

Dialogs, sheets and drawers have backdrop that blurs the content beneath it.

If you want to use only backdrop background color, without the blur, set VITE_BACKDROP_BLUR in .env file to backdrop-blur-none.

If you want to use different blur value, set VITE_BACKDROP_BLUR in .env file to one of available classes. Default value is backdrop-blur-sm.

If your new class is not working, make sure to safelist the class in tailwind.config.js under safelist array.


Shadcn-vue Tooltip component: https://www.shadcn-vue.com/docs/components/tooltip.html

To render tooltip just follow the docs or search for ToolTipProvider in the source code.

There is a minor bug when using tooltips:

If you have an element with tooltip inside your popover, dialog, dropdown or any similar element with open and close states, the first tooltip will be rendered when you open it.

Use this code to prevent tooltip auto-show (check radix-vue docs for exact names)

<PopoverContent @open-auto-focus="(e: Event) => e.preventDefault()">

You can find such example in modules/Roadmap/resources/js/Pages/Show.vue.


In some cases we are required to manipulate dialog states.

To make it seemless there is composable resources/js/composable/useDialog.ts which you can use to control dialog states.

It can be used with any component with open/close state such as Dialog, AlertDialog, Popover, Sheet, etc.

How to use it?

Import the composable:

import { dialogState } from "@/composable/useDialog";

const { isOpen, openDialog, closeDialog } = dialogState();

Or just import the one you will use:

import { dialogState } from "@/composable/useDialog";

const { isOpen } = dialogState();

isOpen presents dialog state which tells you if dialog is open (true) or closed (false).

openDialog and closeDialog are functions to open or close the dialog.

Then you can use it to set the dialog’s v-model:

<Dialog v-model:open="isOpen"></Dialog>

Or to close the dialog on form success:

const submit = () => {
  form.post(route("do-something"), {
    preserveScroll: true,
    onSuccess: () => {

You can also use it when you have multiple dialogs on one page:

const { isOpen: isOpenFoo, closeDialog: closeDialogFoo } = dialogState();
const { isOpen: isOpenBar, closeDialog: closeDialogBar } = dialogState();

<Dialog v-model:open="isOpenFoo">Foo dialog content</Dialog>
<Dialog v-model:open="isOpenBar">Bar dialog content</Dialog>