
offers a complete authentication system for Administrators out of the box. It is based on Laravel authentication system using admin guard.
Users of application are authenticated via web guard.


Admin users are identified by Admin model.

Admin panel

To access Admin panel go to URL /admin.
You can change the URL path by adding .env variable ADMIN_AREA_ROUTE_PREFIX.

# /super-secret-area instead of /admin

Create Super Admin

Open your terminal, run command php artisan app:admin and follow the steps to create new Super Admin.
This command is useful to create new admins or to create your first admin if you won’t use seeders to create it.


By default, there are several predefined roles for Administrators.

You can delete all the roles and permissions in seeders if you don’t need them. This is the case when you only need super admin users. However, there should be one role defined for super admins.

Visit RoleAndPermissionSeeder.php to update or delete them.

Super Admin

Administrators with full access are identified by Super Admin role, which you can override by adding .env variable SUPER_ADMIN_ROLE_NAME.

If you use default Seeder you should update the role name before running seeders.



Manager is administrator with limited access inside Admin area.

To see all the permissions for Manager role, search for $roleManager->givePermissionTo in RoleAndPermissionSeeder.

Blog Manager

This role is created only when Blog module is enabled and has permission to manage blog posts and tags.

Visit modules/Blog/database/seeders/BlogDatabaseSeeder.php for more info.

Helpdesk Manager

Docs coming soon…

Roadmap Manager

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Testimonials Manager

Docs coming soon…