Feature is provided by Spatie Laravel Permission package.


It’s recommended to define and create new permissions in enum file app/Enums/Permission.php. Enums are then used to seed roles and permissions via file database/seeders/RoleAndPermissionSeeder.php.

There is no UI in admin panel to create new permissions.


Roles are just an easier way to organize types of users with a list of common permissions.

You can create new roles via admin panel and assign them existing permissions.

Assign roles to Admin

When creating or updating Admin user you can also add non-related permissions along with the selected role, but you can’t remove permissions from the role for specific user. Instead, you can just select permissions wihout the role.


Permissions are usually used with Policies to authorize user actions such as viewing, creating, updating or deleting models. Policies are then used (usually) under form requests and controller methods.

Example to allow administrators to view users (authorize policy in controller method):

Example to allow administrators to update users (authorize policy in controller for GET and in form request for POST):