

This component is already included with the layouts.


None of the props is required.

  • title: Page title. Defaults to pageTitle global prop if not set.
  • description: Page description.
  • url: Page canonical URL.
  • image: Image URL.
  • imageWidth: Image width in pixels.
  • imageHeight: Image height in pixels.
  • imageAlt: Image title.
  • author: Author of the page. Defaults to global author.
  • twitterCard: Twitter/X card type. Defaults to global twitter card value.
  • twtterCreator: Twitter/X username of the author of the page.
  • createdAt: Date when page was created.
  • updatedAt: Date when page was last updated.
  • pagination: Pagination data.

How to use it?

Pass the props from Controller.

return Inertia::render('MyPageIndex', [
    // other props for this page...
    'meta' => [
        'title' => __('Meta title'),
        'description' => __('Meta description'),
        'image' => 'url to the image',
        // other meta props...

Wrap your page in PageLayout and meta data will be automatically rendered.

  <div>Page content...</div>

Meta title

Meta title can be set in three different ways:

  1. Pass the title in meta prop as in example above.
  2. Set pageTitle (without title in meta) and this value will be used.
  3. Override title (or any other meta tag) in your page components, right after the layout
I highly recommend to use meta prop for public pages.

Tab title

Tab title (browser) will be automatically set from meta title.

You can also set or override tab title using Head component.

  <Head :title="$t('Tab title')" />


Pagination has three required parameters.

export interface MetaPagination {
  total: number;
  perPage: number;
  currentPage: number;

You can generate such array in PHP using this helper function.

$data = Model::->paginate();

// This will return array with total, perPage and currentPage

Then you should use this data to render pagination component.

<Pagination :data="meta.pagination" />

Check out modules/Blog/app/Http/Controllers/PublicBlogController.php for real example using pagination.