
Display the list of user-requested features, approved, in progress, resolved and rejected ones.

Users can also upvote and/or downvote features and add comments to features.

Enable/disable module

Each module can be enabled or disabled in your application, without affecting other parts of your code.


php artisan module:enable Roadmap
php artisan module:disable Roadmap



Set Roadmap to true (enabled) or false (disabled).


Open this file modules/Roadmap/config/config.php and update Roadmap settings to fit your application.

Author can vote

Default is true

Set author_can_vote to true to allow authors to upvote their own features.

Set author_can_vote to false to prevent authors to upvote their own features.


Default is true

Set downvotes_enabled to true to enable downvotes.

Set downvotes_enabled to false to disable downvotes.


Default is true

Set must_be_authenticated to true to allow creation of new features only for authenticated users.

Set must_be_authenticated to false to allow guests (non-authenticated users) to create new features.


Default is false

Set must_be_subscribed to true to allow creation of new features and comments only for subscribed users.

When true the must_be_authenticated value will be ignored since subscribed users must be authenticated to get correct data.