All FAQ components have same props.



data: FaqItem[]

Array of items to render. Each FAQ item should have title (question) and content (answer).


type?: "single" | "multiple"

Determines whether a one or many items can be opened at a time.
Defaults to single.

Allow closing content

collapsible?: boolean

Set this to the true or false to allow or disabled closing of the content for an open item.
Defaults to true.

Expand first item

expand?: boolean

Set this to the true or false to open or close the very first item.
Defaults to false.

Expand all items

expandAll?: boolean

Set this to the true to expand all items.
Defaults to false.

When true, type will be automatically set to multiple.


icon?: "plus" | "chevron"

Set the icon for open/close state.
Defaults to plus.

You can easily customize the icons if you want to use something else.

search?: boolean

Display search input above the items to allow users to filter FAQ items by title or content.
Defaults to true.


animate?: boolean

When true the icon and content will transition/animate while expanding, when false the expand will be instant without any transitions.

Defaults to value of VITE_ANIMATIONS in your .env file.

Default component


This component renders the FAQ in minimalistic styles, using bottom border as separators between items.

Blocks component


This component renders the FAQ in blocks with (secondary) background color, using small gaps as separators between items.