
By default there are 4 pre-defined pages which you can update in PageSeeder.php:

  • Privacy Policy
  • Terms of Service
  • Cookie Policy
  • Licenses

When creating page via seeder, you need to provide required attributes (combination of route_name and group attributes must be unique):

  • title: Page title.
  • url_path: Unique. URL path of the page.
  • route_name: Route name (Laravel named routes).
  • content: HTML content of the page.
  • group: Optional. Defaults to legal. Does not affect the URL.

If you want to use other groups, for example about, first you need to add them as enum in app/Enums/PageGroup.php:

enum PageGroup: string
    case Legal = 'legal';
    case About = 'about';
// This will create "Privacy Policy" page with "/privacy-policy" URL and "legal.privacy" route name
    'title' => 'Privacy Policy',
    'url_path' => 'privacy-policy',
    'route_name' => 'privacy',
    'content' => '<p>Privacy Policy content...</p>',

// This will create "About" page with "/about" URL and "about.index" route name
    'title' => 'About',
    'url_path' => 'about',
    'route_name' => 'index',
    'group' => PageGroup::About,
    'content' => '<p>About content...</p>',


Administrators with correct permissions can manage Pages via admin panel.

Full docs coming soon…