Start building your awesome app in under 5 minutes
Before getting started, make sure you have installed PHP 8.3+
, Node.js 21+
, Nginx
or Apache
server, and (optionally) one of the supported database services: SQLite 3.26+
, MySQL 5.7+
, PostgreSQL 10.0+
, MariaDB 10.3+
or SQL Server 2017+
You should also have Composer
(dependency manager for PHP) installed.
Laravel Herd
Laravel Herd is highly recommended local development tool for Laravel. It’s very simple to setup and it provides all of the requirements to run (and much more).
It’s available for MacOS and Windows.
Instructions coming soon…
Open your terminal, and run those commands to get started.
Clone the repository
Stay in sync with upstream repo
Use those instructions if you want to keep version control and track future updates in main repository.
Check remotes
You should see this output:
Update origin remote
Add upstream remote
Verify remotes again
You should now see this output:
Fetch updates from upstream
Add, commit and push as usual
Standalone project
Use those instructions if you want to treat your project as an independent repository without any version control and future updates.
All future updates you will need to handle manually.
Remove current git repo
Initialize a new git repo
Commit all files
Create remote repo
Push your changes
Create environment file
After you have setup your git repository, continue with the app setup by creating an environment file.
Setup database credentials
By default, is using SQLite
as database connection.
To change database name (default is database.sqlite
) set the variable in your .env
. Make sure to enter the absolute path, not just the database name.
If you want to use the default one (database.sqlite), just comment or remove the variable in your .env file
To use different database connection, feel free to update the variables accordingly.
This is example for MySQL
connection, but you can use any of the supported database services.
Quick installation
Once you have setup your .env
file, run this command and follow the steps.
Quick installation will run all the commands under Manual setup so you can skip the manual setup all together when using quick installation.
You will probably want to implement your payment plans, so I recommend to generate your plans right after the installation.
Go to Generate products and follow the docs. You can also visit Payment settings to adjust your checkout pages.
Manual setup
Generate application key
Install PHP packages
Install JS packages
Enable public access to storage folder
Build CSS and JS
Run local server
If you use Laravel Herd you don’t need to run local server since Herd will create a local domain for your application.
Open new terminal tab or window and start your app.
Visit and see your application.
Before using the application, you should run migrations to create your database (and seeders to have some data to work with).