

This component will render testimonials in columns (up to 4 per row on the biggest screens).

It can accept 4 properties:

  • data: required, list of testimonials
  • variant: optional, defines the testimonial card layout
  • animateOnHover: optional, defines the testimonial card hover effects
  • class: optional, list of classes to apply to wrapper
<Testimonials :data="testimonials"></Testimonials>

You can also add heading via slot:

<Testimonials :data="testimonials">
	<template v-slot:heading>This is Heading</template>


There are two predefined variants: v1 (default) and v2.

// v1
<Testimonials :data="testimonials" />
// v1
<Testimonials :data="testimonials" variant="v1" />
// v2
<Testimonials :data="testimonials" variant="v2" />

Animate on hover

When VITE_ANIMATIONS is set to true or 1, the default value will be set to all, otherwise it will be set to none.

You can override this behavior by passing the animate-on-hover prop.

// all - will apply all available animations
<Testimonials :data="testimonials" animate-on-hover="all" />
// all - no animations
<Testimonials :data="testimonials" animate-on-hover="none" />

// array: scale, shadow, opacity, blur - apply one or more animations
<Testimonials :data="testimonials" :animate-on-hover="['scale']" />
<Testimonials :data="testimonials" :animate-on-hover="['scale', 'shadow']" />
<Testimonials :data="testimonials" :animate-on-hover="['opacity', 'blur']" />



This component will render testimonials in 2 rows, scrolling in opposite directions.

Scrolling effect is provided by Embla Carousel

It can accept 8 properties:

  • data: required, list of testimonials
  • variant: optional, defines the testimonial card layout
  • speed: optional, defines the scrolling speed, defaults to 0.75
  • draggable: optional, make cards draggable, defaults to false
  • stopOnInteraction: optional, stops scrolling on interaction, defaults to false
  • stopOnMouseEnter: optional, stops scrolling on mouse enter, defaults to false
  • startDelay: optional, defines the delay in milliseconds before scrolling starts, defaults to 0
  • class: optional, list of classes to apply to wrapper
<TestimonialsAutoScroll :data="testimonials"></TestimonialsAutoScroll>

You can also add heading via slot:

<TestimonialsAutoScroll :data="testimonials">
	<template v-slot:heading>This is Heading</template>


There are two predefined variants: v1 (default) and v2.

// v1
<TestimonialsAutoScroll :data="testimonials" />
// v1
<TestimonialsAutoScroll :data="testimonials" variant="v1" />
// v2
<TestimonialsAutoScroll :data="testimonials" variant="v2" />
