Package is provided by TipTap.



Editor supports markdown shortcuts out of the box so you can use them to write faster. See all the shortcuts here.


Use props to style the look of the editor.


toolbar?: string[] | "full" | "basic" | "comment"

Pass an array of commands you want to enable for current editor or pass the preset name: basic or comment
By default, all available commands are enabled.

Here is the list of all available commands:

  • bold: Convert selected text to bold.
  • italic: Convert selected text to italic.
  • heading: Heading from 1-6 level. Default is h2 and h3. To override default levels, pass additional prop headingLevels?: Level[].
  • link: Convert selected text to link.
  • list: Convert selected text to unordered list (bullets).
  • listOrdered: Convert selected text to ordered list (numbers).
  • blockquote: Convert selected text to quote.
  • code: Render selected text to code.
  • image: Add image.
  • hr: Add horizontal line (text separator).
  • break: Add line break.
  • undo/redo: Allow undo and redo.

Here is the list of predefined toolbar presets which you can use:

  • full: Same as default, but with all heading levels included
  • basic: bold, italic
  • comment: bold, italic, lists, code, image, break, undo/redo

Sticky toolbar

stickyToolbar?: boolean

Make toolbar sticky to be always visible in editor with lots of content. Default is true.

Commands as icon or text

icons?: boolean

By default, commands will be rendered as icons with command description tooltip on hover. Set prop to false to render commands as text in toolbar.


placeholder?: string;
placeholderHeading?: string

Set placeholders for empty text block and headings. Default placeholders are empty strings.


class?: HTMLAttributes["class"]
contentClass?: HTMLAttributes["class"]

You can pass list of custom classes via class prop to style the look of editor wrapper or editor input area via content-class.

For example, to limit the height of editor you can set class to content-class="max-h-96 overflow-y-auto". When editor content reaches the maximum defined height of 24rem the vertical scrollbar will appear.



Full docs coming soon…


Full docs coming soon…