Featured media
Show featured video or image.
By default, this component is used in Hero
and Key benefits
components, but you can use it wherever it fits.
Media source
src: string
Pass the media source string (url, path or ID).
type?: "image" | "html5" | "youtube" | "vimeo"
There is no automatic media type detection, so you should pass the type.
Defaults to image
Image and html5 are used when rendering images or videos from local disk or CDN.
YouTube and Vimeo should be used when you want to render videos from those platforms.
Image alternate text
alt?: string
animate?: boolean
Media element will animate on scroll. Defaults to global animation value.
animateFrom?: "left" | "center" | "right"
Set the position from which the element will animate. Defaults to center. Recommended when there is side content along the media.
withBorder?: boolean
Adds border around the media element. Defaults to false.
class?: HTMLAttributes["class"]
mediaClass?: HTMLAttributes["class"]
borderClass?: HTMLAttributes["class"]
Customize wrapper, media element and border.
Go to resources/js/Components/Sections/HeroDefault.vue
to see working example of the media component that changes according to the hero content alignment.